There will be a volunteer beach clean up on St. Augustine Beach this Saturday, July 25th from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Volunteers are asked to meet at the St. Augustine Beach Pier at just before 8:00 a.m. to be ready to help. Thanks to all who help and enjoy the Beach!
The Gift Shop and Visitor Information Center at the St. Augustine Beach/St. Johns County Fishing Pier reopens today. The following is a press release by St. Johns County regarding the opening:
The St. Johns County Ocean and Fishing Pier Gift Shop and Visitor Information Center will reopen to the public on Friday, May 22, after a five-month rehabilitation project. The gift shop and visitor information center will remain open to the public from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week, during the summer season. During the project, all deck boards, guard rails, posts, support beams, exposed piles, and boardwalk boards were replaced. The rehabilitation project is projected to extend the life of the pier for up to 10 years. Passes to access the pier or fish from the pier can be purchased in the gift shop. The fees are as follows:
Sightseeing – $2.00 Fishing: Residents – $4.00 Non-residents – $6.00 Military or handicapped – $2.00 Children under six or resident seniors over 60 – Free Annual Passes: Residents – $40.00 Non-residents – $60.00 Military or handicapped – $20.00
The St. Augustine Beach sand renourishment project taking place is scheduled to be completed by the end of June, just in time for the 4th of July holiday. Work has been completed on the beach from Pope Road to the St. Augustine Beach Pier. The project will continue to inch closer towards 9th street where the work will then be completed. Check out the following article in The St. Augustine Record for more details by clicking HERE and view the following video.